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CJ is Reshaping Culture for the World with Its OnlyOne Spirit


CJ Puts Top Priority on Its OnlyOne Spirit

to be the First, the Best, and Different

CJ Puts Top Priority on Its OnlyOne Spirit to be the First, the Best, and Different

The ONLYONE spirit is our utmost commitment to be the first, the best and different in all aspects. Based on this spirit, we constantly create new products, services, systems, and businesses that have never been done before.


Developing culture is what CJ does best.

We are at the forefront of the Korean wave promoting the beauty and dynamism of Korean culture that has been positively influencing lifestyles around the world.


CJ's dream is for people around the world to experience and enjoy elements of Korean culture in their daily lives.

The ambition of CJ is for people all around the world to experience and enjoy Korean movies, dramas, music, and food as a part of their daily lives. And we are committed to becoming the best lifestyle company to lead the way.

CEO Message

  • CJ Group Chairman Lee Jay-Hyun CJ Group Chairman Lee Jay-Hyun

    With CJ`s future and talent we are focused on a future of innovation and growth that will allow us to make a leap forward as a leading lifestyle company to design new lives for people around the world.

    CJ Group Chairman
    Lee Jay-Hyun
  • CJ Group Chairman Sohn Kyung-Shik CJ Group Chairman Sohn Kyung-Shik

    We aspire to be a trusted and beloved company by communicating with our stakeholders candidly.

    CJ Group Chairman
    Sohn Kyung-Shik

Management Philosophy


The three colors of CJ symbolize
health, happiness, and convenience


CJ is dedicated to promoting Korean culture to more people around the world. We envision a day when people around the world can enjoy Korean movies, dramas, music, and food, enriching their lives and bringing them greater happiness.

To this end, CJ is striving to shape a healthy, happy, and convenient lifestyle that people around the world can enjoy together. This ambitious plan is based on our four core businesses: Food & Food Service, Biotechnology, Logistics & New Distribution, and Entertainment & Media.

CJ's Blossom logo conveys these values and symbolizes CJ as a flower in full bloom, open to the global market and its customers, while remaining fresh and friendly to its customers.

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Refresh your daily life with a new lifestyle presented by CJ, a popular global lifestyle company

PR Brochure
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  • Growth through Futuristic Innovation, Top Talent, Outstanding Competencies for CJ's Future and Talent

    CJ Group Chairman
    Lee Jay-Hyun

  • Since 1995, CJ has been recognized and beloved by offering new lifestyles to consumers through a consolidated future-growth driven portfolio consisting of food, bio, culture, logistics, and retail. CJ challenged global markets and continued a legacy of dynamic growth. In 2021, CJ responded to and overcame turbulent times that came in shifting directions and speeds. Through such experiences, we recognized the need to revolutionize, revamp, and prepare for the future.

    The main focus of our revolution is “CJ’s future and talent”. Moving forward, CJ will concentrate on growth through futuristic innovation by securing outstanding competencies such as trends, technologies, and marketing. We will also revolutionize corporate culture for our top talents who will lead such innovative growth, to progress towards a futuristic lifestyle company that designs innovative lifestyles for all people around the world. We will accelerate global and digital expansion of our existing businesses with culture and platform-based directions and measures. We will also actively pursue growth through futuristic innovation by establishing new businesses that are ESG-based and reflective of universal trends. To carry this out, we will preserve underlying fundamentals of “wellness”, which can be defined as better lives for all, and “sustainability”, which is built upon fairness, removal of power abuse, and coexistence.

    With our four future growth engines at core, CJ will expand into new fields and domains, actively venture into innovative M&As, and continuously discover and develop great business opportunities in the newest promising industries, IT and BT fields. The means to innovative growth will also change. We will generate fused synergies by ardently collaborating with others through open innovative measures. Not only will we invest in tangible assets centered on infrastructures and systems, but we will also actively invest in intangible assets such as brands, future innovative technologies, AI, big data, and most importantly, talented people. First-class competences will be secured that surpass those of our competitors.

    The key to such goals is securing exceptionally talented people. Our people, CJ’s top talents, continue development by gaining equal opportunities through fair competition and by receiving exceptional recognitions for stellar performances. Anyone can become a leader, regardless of age, years of experience, or position, as long as they display a portrait of topnotch competencies and a strong will. We promote a culture that is boundless and welcomes challenges. Our people can freely practice “self-directed” work that is not bounded by time and space. Each employee has autonomy to refresh accordingly and challenge themselves in different business and position opportunities as much as they desire. By cultivating such an innovative corporate culture, we will design CJ so that the very top talents want to join, work, and share growth with us.

    CJ’s new challenge for “CJ’s future and talent” will not just end as a statement, but will be proved through immediate implementation and performance. Such potential for future growth will maximize the means of our corporate values for markets and customers. To this date, CJ’s exceptional talents have been practicing the Group’s core values of ONLYONE; being first, best, and different. Our people were always at the forefront of challenges, putting forth the best efforts, and finding different paths. As a result, we were able to influence the daily lives of people around the world with our cultural power of food, film, and music etc. We were also able to expand the stage for youths by cultivating industries through K-Brands, and furthermore, authentic CJ brands.

    We desire to take it a step further. CJ aims to “make daily lives healthier and happier, present exciting and beautiful moments to all people around the world, and keep the Earth sustainable.” We will venture into a successful journey with our people, CJ’s exceptional talents. Together, we will create a new future.

  • We will Become a Trusted and Beloved Company by Communicating with Our Stakeholders Candidly

    CJ Group Chairman
    Sohn Kyung-shik

  • Ever since starting Korea’s very first sugar manufacturer during the time of postwar reconstruction in 1953, CJ continuously practiced·evolved our founder’s vision of “contributing to the national economy (business patriotism).” We industrialized new markets by diving into futuristic businesses that met the challenges of this era. We walked the path of creation by sharing growth with markets and enterprises. Based on our core values ONLYONE, Exceptional Talent, and Shared Growth, we provided the best values to our stakeholders We secured our position as a reputed global lifestyle company by taking the lead in spreading our cultural values to a wider world.

    The world is going through fundamental changes affected by pandemics, climate crisis, and digital conversion etc., and the international economic order is also experiencing rapid changes, such as changes in supply chains. To keep up with these changes, CJ aims to actively lead a generation of great transformation. Based on our past successes in challenging the impossible and turning dreams into reality, we will prepare for the future and share responsibilities as a company by seeking for new growth opportunities.

    CJ will venture into the world with our various services and products (food, contents, and beauty etc.), and expand our interactions with customers from offline to online. Through the application of innovative technologies, we will provide a wide range of healthy values, not only in daily lives, but also in prevention·diagnosis·treatment. We will accelerate new businesses in areas such as green, new materials, and future foods etc., to keep our societies and the Earth sustainable.

    Since we established a new vision and identified new leading businesses, we will further adapt to a progressive management system and corporate culture, so that our exceptionally talented people can focus on performing at an optimal level. ESG management has become a must in this era, and we intend to become an exemplary company leading such systems. By cultivating and actively practicing CJ’s unique ESG management systems, we will secure sustainable competitiveness and prepare for the upcoming generations. We will also maintain a closer relationship with various stakeholders, including our customers, employees, shareholders, alliances, and local communities etc., through candid communication, and secure our position as a trusted and loved company.

    CJ’s exceptional people around the world will consistently take on challenges and continue to reform CJ’s brand values, customer values, and societal values further with our ONLYONE DNA. Please look forward to the new future that our people will bring forth.

Contributing to the global community by providing the best value with our ONLYONE products and services

  • Creating the best value with ONLYONE products and services

    Contribution to the nation and society
    - Make everyday lives healthy and happy
    - Make the lives of people interesting and beautiful
    - Make our planet Earth sustainable
  • Contribution to the nation and society

    CJ's top talent's commitment (CJ's Raison d’Être)

Global lifestyle company inspiring a new life of health, happiness, and convenience


    Business Overview
    - Future Lifestyle Area

    Business strategies
    - Pioneering trends and designing new lifestyles worldwide with super-gap competence

    CJ’s direction

Our core values represent CJ’s enduring pursuit and the distinct corporate culture that sets it apart from other companies


    Exceptional talent * Strong & adaptive culture
    - Fostering exceptional talents and cultivating a strong and adaptive culture to become a leading global company.
  • OnlyOne

    - Developing our core competencies to be the first, the best and different from all others to become a leading company.

    Buildng ecosystems * Shared values
    - Cultivating sustainable ecosystems and creating shared values to earn the respect of the people and society.

Principles that all CJ employees must observe and standards to be maintained for talent development


    Do not tolerate inefficiency and dishonesty.

    Pursue excellence and perfection.

    Continuously strive to evolve and innovate.

    Understand and care for each other.