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Results of general shareholders meeting

1. Approval of financial statements (70th fiscal year) (KRW in millions)  

* Consolidated

- Total assets: 48,240,408

- Total liabilities: 30,506,775

- Paid-in capital: 179,047

- Total equity: 17,733,633

- Sales: 40,924,880

- Operating income: 2,154,202

- Net income: 686,846

- Earnings per share: 6,023

* Non-consolidated

- Total assets: 3,350,174

- Total liabilities: 521,407

- Paid-in capital: 179,047

- Total equity: 2,828,767

- Sales: 259,011

- Operating income: 117,603

- Net income: 107,138

- Earnings per share: 3,192

* Result of independent auditors' report: Unqualified opinion

2. Dividend

   - Cash dividend: KRW 83,940,300,100 (KRW 2,500 per common share, KRW 2,550 per class of share)

   - Dividend yield ratio: 2.99% (common), 5.06% (class of share)

3. Nomination

- Total number of directors after the nomination: 7 (Two new executive directors were newly appointed.)

- Non-executive directors: 4 (57.14% of total number of directors)

 - Number of Audit Committee members: 4 non-executive directors

4. Others

  - Five agendas including the approval for the 70th financial statements passed as drafted

5. Date of general shareholders' meeting: Mar. 29, 2023
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